Let it be so. This is the definition of Amen. Continuously throughout my trip in Romania I was confronted with this word/phrase. Amen translated into Romanian is Ami. I sat in a sweltering church in the village of Susani listening to an unfamiliar language, enjoying the sounds of “let it be so” over and over again. This is a community that taught me the meaning of trusting in the love and provision of our creator.
The little village of Susani is straight out of a Beatrix Potter novel; older women toting water from the well, a plethora of geese and ducks waddling in no particular direction, and I may have even seen Peter Rabbit once or twice. This old world in which I found myself contradicted itself with modern clothing styles and the occasional Justin Bieber ring tone blaring from a thirteen year-olds cell phone. Climbing into a wagon drawn by a large mare had the potential to charm me right into forgetting any kind of other life and slipping silently into Susani’s.
Our last day in Romania, I packed up my memories and video equipment but think I forgot my heart. I was not prepared to leave. Something was missing when I climbed on the bus, the plane and then my seat at Denny’s in Dallas with my parents. I tried to explain to my mom that I needed to be in Romania, that I belonged in Europe and had left my heart behind. She quickly reminded me that where ever I am, my heart is also and if I choose to ignore it I will be miserable.
2 Conrinthians 4: 15 “And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him whofor their sake died and was raised.”
If I chose to leave my heart in Romania, I would be living for myself. I have been called to breathe life into those who presently surround me. James 4:13 says “come now you who say ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such town and spend a year there making a profit’ – yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘if the Lord wills, we will do this and that.’”
I must choose to rope in my heart and plant it right where my feet are.
I had a funny conversation in the back of a stifling hot bus with a seventeen year old translator named Adelina. She told me that God was teaching her that He holds what’s best for us, even when we are willing to settle for something just good. He has the fantastic in his hands and wants to pour it all over us…again. God is funny when he is yelling into my ear “Hey Krisi! You get it? I have some amazing stories for you to be a part of, are you ready?”
Ami. Amen. Let it be so.
A side thought:
As we trekked through the great country of Romania and over the border to Budapest, Hungary I was reminded of a desire to open a Hostel somewhere in the world. Through my week of media and laughter, I understood that I have been given the ability to be relational. I love to learn about new cultures and discover the stories of peoples live. John 4:39 “Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the women’s testimony, ‘He told me all that I ever did.’” So if I can be in the business of hosting and listening and loving the quirky people of this world…let it be so. I have no idea how to make this happen, but am ready to figure it out.
Your pictures are precious! Good words, keep them coming please. I love hearing your heart.